A concise full-color review of the mechanisms of blood diseases and disorders – based on a Harvard Medical School hematology course
2015 Doody’s Core Title!
“This is a superb book. Deceptively small, yet packs a wallop. The emphasis on principles instead of practice is welcome….The text is clear, concise, and surprisingly approachable for what could have been a very dense and dry discussion. I could not put this book down and read it entirely in one sitting. When was the last time anyone found a hematology textbook so riveting?”–Doody’s Review Service
Hematological Pathophysiology is a well-illustrated, easy-to-absorb introduction to the physiological principles underlying the regulation and function of blood cells and hemostasis, as well as the pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for the development of blood disorders. Featuring a strong emphasis on key principles, the book covers diagnosis and management primarily within a framework of pathogenesis.
Authored by world-renowned clinician/educators at Harvard Medical School, Hematological Pathophysiology features content and organization based on a hematology course offered to second year students at that school. The book is logically divided into four sections: Anemias and Disorders of the Red Blood Cell, Disorders of Hemostasis and Thrombosis, Disorders of Leukocytes, and Transfusion Medicine; it opens with an important overview of blood and hematopoietic tissues.
- Succinct, to-the-point coverage that reflects current medical education
- More than 200 full-color photographs and renderings of disease mechanisms and blood diseases
- Each chapter includes learning objectives and self-assessment questions
- Numerous tables and diagrams encapsulate important information
- Incorporates the feedback of 180 Harvard medical students who reviewed the first draft — so you know you’re studying the most relevant material possible
- Used Book in Good Condition