Eczema Therapy is a BREAKTHROUGH liquid spray for people with eczema. It is for use on skin with minor irritations like eczema and even hives, rashes, sunburns, more. It was used in specialty medical fields for years, but is now available over-the-counter from SkinSmart Antimicrobial. It promotes healing, soothes raw irritated skin, and helps relieve itching. You can spray every time you itch, a major benefit to people with eczema who know that itching is often unbearable. Spray as often as needed – has no limits on use, and each bottle has over 800 sprays. This is completely new and different in eczema care – it is steroid-free, it is not colloidal oatmeal, it is not diluted bleach, it is not alcohol, it is not cortisone, it is not aloe vera or a ‘natural’ ingredient mix. It is a liquid for minor skin irritations and intact skin. Scientists have learned that much eczema is caused by an imbalance of naturally-occurring bacteria on the skin, namely staph. Our gentle yet effective antimicrobial spray will greatly help with that, addressing what may be the underlying cause of your eczema. We will help both minor and severe cases, whether its a new case or have had eczema your whole life. It is non-toxic, non-irritating. Great for kids who can even take it to school. Please read the box carefully for instructions and usage tips, and please share your stories. It will replace your endless cycle of itching, bleeding, & infection and it will promote healing of your skin. No more hydrocortisone topical steroids, antibiotics, bleach baths, or sticky creams. Our spray dries like water. We are one of the only products to receive a perfect 5/5 star Seal of Acceptance rating from the National Eczema Association. If you have relief from antibiotics, WARNING – read entire package. POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: In rare cases, a mild stinging sensation may occur. Use on clean skin. Do not use while also applying other products at same time; let SkinSmart dry first. Try for Psoriasis!
- New for Eczema! Technology for healing skin brought over from advanced wound care centers promotes healing of skin, now available without a prescription! Even tough cases! Read the great reviews on itch relief!
- Our clear liquid dries like water, and is steroid free, with no limits on how much you can use. It hydrates and soothes and feels refreshing! Great for kids from one month on!
- For all skin, even faces and scalp! Clean finish, won’t interfere with makeup. Side Effects: In rare cases, a mild stinging sensation may occur. Use on clean skin – do not use at the same time you apply other products. Let SkinSmart dry first. If you have extremely sensitive skin, test a small area first.
- Clear, non-irritating spray is easy to use and has remarkable properties that help your skin. Replaces eczema cream, hydrocortisone, topical steroids. If you had relief from antibiotics, this is a must-try.
- National Eczema Association granted it their Seal of Acceptance and it received a PERFECT 5/5 star rating! Compare – hardly any products have that rating from that excellent organization.