Massage after childbirth

By | August 16, 2018

Relaxation of the body to relieve tension and stress is available to everyone. Try to feel the general condition of the muscles of your body, and consistently releasing some of its areas. Start with the soles of the feet and gradually run up to the head. Check each muscle group.

However, you should remember those muscle groups that you think are in a stressed state. The whole first step should last from 2 to 5 minutes.

Then repeat the same step, but now trying to release the muscles clenched. First, pay attention to the soles of the feet, and then move through the body and finish up the muscles of the head. Focus on your calves, knees, hips, pelvis, buttocks, abdomen, back, neck, face and skull. As you will run this way up and remove the clips where they were found during the first step, analysis, and your muscles will be relaxed. If along the way you will meet a group of muscles that are particularly hard condition, pay more attention to them: take a deep breath, hold the air for a few seconds, and then exhale as much as possible to relax them.

Also, you can contribute to the process of relaxation by other means, for example, repeating to yourself phrases like: “Relax”, “I am calm and relaxed” and so on. You can repeat the relaxation path several times, going from the toes to the top and coming back. First, you need to give 10 to 15 minutes for this exercise, however, as you learn to do it, achieving a state of relaxation will be taking you much less time.

Kneading the calves

Sit with client’s feet. Base of the palms and thumbs are in the middle of calves, the other fingers gently wrapped around his leg. Move your hands one after the other in a circular motion upwards, from the knee down.

<33> Recommendations:

  • Before you begin kneading, make sure that when stroking the oil is completely absorbed.
  • Perform squeezing with the base and the side of the thumb.
  • To warm up and relax the calf muscles, do stroking after petrissage.
  • Shifting muscle tissue, press it. Pinching must be careful as the calf muscles are very sensitive.
  • Repeat the whole sequence of movements on the other foot.

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