Shrink’s Medications for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

By | December 27, 2015

Dr. Michael G. Rayel, author of the Shrink video and book series, discusses some medications for treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder. SNRIs (e.g. Venlafaxine XR), SSRIs (e.g. Escitalopram), benzodiazepines (e.g. Lorazepam), and Buspirone are some good examples.

Dr. Rayel’s First Aid Tips for Anxiety: 4 crucial steps to overpower anxiety is now available on Amazon, Smashwords, and other online bookstores.

Recently, Dr. Mike and his co-author Danielle have released First Aid Tips for Suicidality: Recognizing and preventing suicide in four essential steps. It’s now available on Smashwords, and other ebookstores.

Also, his first book of the Shrink series, First Aid Tips for Depression: Overcoming depression in 4 simple steps, can be found on major online bookstores. Please like his page on Facebook: For details, visit Dr. Rayel’s official site and his blog