What Is The Best Social Anxiety Treatment?

By | May 16, 2016

If you are looking for social anxiety treatment, discover here the best options. You have psychological counseling and medications (such as antidepressants) to reduce your social anxiety.

Indeed, your symptoms (physical and emotional) and how you are performing in your day-to-day life decide the social anxiety treatment.

You need just professional counseling to overcome social anxiety if you are unable to cope in certain social situations. For example, eating in front of others or public speaking etc.

Be alert and know if you are feeling anxiety at a typical situation or in all social encounters. This is the basic thing that decides the kind of remedy you need for social anxiety treatment.

Psychological counseling and exposure therapy will help you overcome social anxiety at a special place or event. Especially, exposure therapy will slowly pull you out of the fear of avoiding a situation.

With rehearsing and role-playing, you will become more comfortable in the feared social situation. This is a good social anxiety treatment.

Besides, try to have in-depth knowledge about social anxiety because knowing about the problem provides you great relief. You should also ask for your family members’ help in a stressful situation.

Medication is also a kind of social anxiety treatment. Let’s know what the medicines are…


If you are suffering from full-blown social anxiety, these are excellent. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Paxil, Effexor, and Zoloft for social anxiety treatment.


These will provide you great relief. But since they are habit forming, you’d better restrict them for short term. Ativan, xanax and valium are well known benzodiazepines.

Beta blockers

If you are phobiac about a specific situation and unable to cope with anxiety, these beta blockers are very effective. They will control the flow of adrenaline that cause anxiety during a stressful event.

Finally, a blend of psychological counseling and medication is good social anxiety treatment. You can discontinue the medication when you feel confident.

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