Social Anxiety Treatment – Right Option

By | May 17, 2016

If you suffer from social anxiety, don’t worry! It’s not a big problem to deal with. You have two way to face the problem. They are medication and psychological counseling.

Usually, the level of your physical and emotional symptoms will tell you what’s the better social anxiety treatment. That is between counseling and medication.

You need just professional counseling to overcome social anxiety if you are unable to cope in certain social situations. For example, eating in front of others or public speaking etc.

Observe whether you are generally anxious about all social encounters, or whether a specific situation triggers your anxiety. This is very important to know to start the treatment.

Exposure therapy works well if you suffer from anxiety in a specific situation. This is part of psychological counseling. You should repeatedly face the situation you scared of. Other wise, it turns into fear in your subconscious mind.

With rehearsing and role-playing, you will become more comfortable in the feared social situation. This is a good social anxiety treatment.

In addition to this, know thoroughly about your problem (social anxiety). Knowing the problem itself is good healing. Next, take the help of your family members in any life-changing event or stressful situation.

Medication is also a kind of social anxiety treatment. Let’s know what the medicines are…


According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Antidepressants are good social anxiety treatment. They are effexor, zoloft and paxil.


These medicines will also reduce your anxiety. But there’s a risk of getting addicted. So you have to use them sparingly. Some of the Benzodiazepines are xanax, ativan and valium.

Beta blockers

If you are phobiac about a specific situation and unable to cope with anxiety, these beta blockers are very effective. They will control the flow of adrenaline that cause anxiety during a stressful event.

Now you might have a clear picture about when to choose medication and psychological counseling. You can use the two simultaneously for some time. Then stop taking medicines and follow what you learn at counseling. This will relieve you from social anxiety.

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