Category Archives: Ativan

Common Types Of Anxiety Attacks

There are different types of anxiety attacks; each one is attributed to a specific anxiety disorder. These include such disorders as generalized anxiety disorder or GAD, obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD, panic disorder/panic attacks, phobias, separation anxiety and social phobia/anxiety. Anxiety attacks triggered off when suffering from GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) can be due to… Read More »

The Various Types Of Sleep Disorder

A sleep disorder is a condition where a person cannot get a good night’s rest resulting in being overly tired during the day and sometimes not being able to function well. The percentage of people having difficulty in sleeping is 25%, in the US. In the U.S, the rate of which the people are suffering… Read More »

Insomnia Sleep Disorder

Insomnia sleep disorder is characterized by difficulty in sleeping or staying asleep. People with insomnia are involved with one or more of the following symptoms like difficulty in falling asleep, waking up too early in the morning, feeling tired after waking up and waking often during the night and having problem in going back to… Read More »