Category Archives: Health News

Why is asthma reversible

Historically, asthma and COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have been considered separate and unique diseases with distinct characteristics. Classically, asthma has been characterized by reversible airways obstruction and COPD by fixed, less reversible, or irreversible airways obstruction. The definitions of asthma and COPD have undergone major revisions recently and COPD, like asthma, has now been… Read More »

What can garcinia cambogia do

In a very small study, women who were overweight were given garcinia cambogia extract or a placebo for 60 days. Much more research is needed in this area, according to the researchers, and in the meantime, the public should be made aware of the potential risks of taking this supplement. Key References. The fruit is… Read More »

Can i male infertility zones

Infertility in men is typically evaluated using semen analysis to assess sperm concentration, motility, and morphology. The most common causes of male infertility are low sperm production, abnormal sperm function, or problems that affect sperm transport. The current report updates and expands on the findings of the previous MSMR analysis of infertility among active component… Read More »