Pain Killer Addiction – Find Help Fast

Treatment options for pain killer addiction include: medications, such as methadone and LAAM (levo-alpha-acetyl-methadol), and behavioral counseling; usually, the patient is medically detoxified before any treatment approach is begun. Less common side effects and adverse reactions of pain killers are: confusion, hallucinations, delirium, hives, itching, hypothermia, bradycardia (slow heart rate), tachycardia (rapid heart rate), raised… Read More »

Natrol 5-HTP TR Time Release, 200mg, 30 Tablets

Natrol 5-HTP TR 100mg Time Release is a drug-free plant-derived source of an amino acid that naturally increases the body’s level of serotonin, the chemical messenger that affects emotions, behavior, appetite, thought and sleep. Regular use of Natrol 5-HTP helps provide a more positive outlook, promotes relaxation, calm and greater appetite control. Natrol makes this… Read More »

Symptoms Of Narcolepsy

You’ve probably seen it in movies a hundred times-the caricature of narcoleptics: one moment they’re chatting with you over dinner; the next, they’re fast asleep, their faces in their dinner plates. This caricature, more hyperbolic than true, nevertheless points to a symptom of narcolepsy which makes narcoleptics vulnerable-their involuntary loss of muscle control. The truth… Read More »