Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorder is a mental phenomenon, a disorder of the nervous system in which a person fears things which are illogical or unrealistic. A fear of one’s own unexplained physical symptoms is also a symptom of panic disorder. In many cases it’s just a response that is triggered when we perceive some uncertain future events… Read More »

Insomnia And Sleep Disorder Due To Stress

Your child brings home a report card filled with low marks.Your dog just bit your neighbor, and the sink in the kitchen no longer works. You feel you’re under major stress.As a result, you find yourself tossing and turning at night, unable to get a good night’s sleep.This is truly unfortunate, because sleep can re-charge… Read More »

Sleep Disorder and Clinical Cure for Apnoea

During a good sleep only our body gets refreshed by relaxing our brain, fuel our body cells and provide an overall rest for tissues and muscles. Whenever, a person may feel uneasy, sweating, unable to breathe through mouth or nose properly, and disturbed naturally while sleeping must undergo clinical sleep study test, sleep apnoea treatment.… Read More »