Can’t Sleep? Figure Out Why

Most research shows that us people need around 8 hours of sleep, but a lot of us aren’t getting that much at all. Among, pulling all niters for papers to partying into the morning, college students often don’t have the best sleeping habits. But while these choices are voluntary, some college students are kept awake… Read More »

Sleep Disorders in Women: Know the Facts

Studies show that women are more commonly susceptible to sleep disorders as compared to men. Hormonal imbalance is the chief factor that causes sleep disorders in women. Other than that are psychosocial and emotional factors such as stress, illness, unhealthy lifestyle, and uncomfortable sleeping environment. Pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome and menopausal stages are inevitable experiences all… Read More »

The Truth Behind Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms & Treatment Options

Generalized anxiety disorder is one of the common anxiety disorders. There is relief for sufferers. Anxiety disorders are the term covering several different forms of abnormal, pathological anxiety, fear, phobia and nervous condition, which may come on all of a sudden or gradually, over a period of several years and may impair or prevent the… Read More »