What’s needed to eliminate hepatitis C in people with HIV in Scotland?

To eliminate hepatitis C in people with HIV in Scotland, healthcare providers will need to reach people not on HIV treatment and step up testing for hepatitis C in people who inject drugs, an analysis of Scottish surveillance data published in HIV Medicine shows. Scotland has a high prevalence of hepatitis C among people with… Read More »

How COVID-19 Is Changing the Future of Vaccines

In his December 24, 2020, video report,1,2 “The Future of Vaccines,” investigative journalist James Corbett reviews how the novel COVID-19 vaccine is paving the way for nonconsensual medical experimentation on the general public. As noted by Corbett, if the international medical establishment get their way, nothing will get back to “normal” until world health officials… Read More »

Data from routine clinical care shows people with HIV have an increased risk of dementia and that it’s diagnosed at a younger age

The risk of dementia in older age is increased by 58% for people living with HIV compared to their HIV-negative peers, according to US research published in the online edition of AIDS. The average age at dementia diagnosis was much younger for people with HIV: 67 years compared to 78 years for people without HIV.… Read More »