Benzodiazepine Addiction, Overdose, Withdrawal, Side effects and Recovery (benzos e.g. Xanax, Klonopin, Rivotril, Clonazepam, Ativan etc.)

By | November 18, 2015

Lorazepam withdrawal cold turkey day 18. Called ER no help.
Called oncologist. Said call 911. Took Lorazepam from 10-1-12 to 9-10-14 when I read about a link between Lorazepam and dementia. Aug 14 started losing brain. Could not finish sentence. Repeated myself, cried uncontrollably, depression the worst in my life. I was given Lorazepam during triple negative inflammatory breast cancer treatment. I had been taking 2 antidepressants for 30 years. Lorazepam should never be given with antidepressants because of paradoxical effects. Makes everything worse, much worse. I am lucky to be alive. My brain started unfogging in 3 days. The lymphedema that came after 1 year on drug-almost totally gone. The neuropathy in hands and feet started tingling in 3 days. Now day 21 they are almost normal. I feel better and more alive every day. On Lorazepam I was not myself. I was someone else. Getting back to being me again.
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