Is Your Anxiety Attack The Result of Irrational Fear, Terror or Panic?

By | August 5, 2016

There is really no difference between an anxiety attack and a panic attack in the psychology profession and the two are treated as interchangeable terms that describe one and the same thing. Nevertheless, the anxiety attack may be thought of as being a milder version of the panic attack. The main thing about an anxiety attack is that it occurs abruptly and causes the person to suffer extreme anxiety.

An anxiety attack that includes irrational feelings of panic, terror or fear may be considered a panic attack. A definition of an anxiety attack would be that it is an acute bout of anxiety of intense nature and also results in the person feeling panicky.

There are a number of possible causes of an anxiety attack and these include panic attacks, panic disorders, panic disorders accompanied by agoraphobia, panic disorders not accompanied by agoraphobia as well as anxiety disorders. There are certain risk factors that do not directly cause the attacks but are nevertheless associated in some way or the other. The presence of risk factors may make the occurrence of anxiety attacks more likely though they do not necessarily result in an anxiety attack.

Obtain a Diagnosis When you Spot Symptoms

There are certain signs as well as symptoms associated with anxiety attacks and these may be noticeable to the patient, the doctor or both. The signs and symptoms of an anxiety attack include anxiety, extreme anxiety, irrational anxiety, chest pain, difficulty in breathing and these signs and symptoms may vary from individual to individual.

It is fortuitous that there are many treatments available to effectively battle anxiety attacks and these include therapy relaxation techniques and, more importantly, the person should have a balanced and healthy lifestyle to help reduce anxiety and stay in complete control of one’s own life. Anybody who has been suffering intense anxiety or worry for at least six months or even more may be a victim of an anxiety disorder and this worry may interfere with their work, relationships as well as normal activities.

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In such cases, the person ought to consult a doctor and obtain medications as well as obtain a diagnosis of the medical illness. There are certain medical conditions that closely mimic or cause anxiety and there are also medications as well as substances which may induce anxiety in a person – so one should take care to be well informed and err on the side of caution.

Eddie Lamb provides an abundance of vital information on a range of health topics. We believe a better understanding of your disorder can help reduce unnecessary anxiety. You’ll find a host of useful articles all about Anxiety Attacks listed on our site map page at Anxiety Attacks and Stress.

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