Learning About Sleeping Disorders

By | September 3, 2016

Did you realize that there are eighty-four distinct sleep disorders that people can suffer from? You probably know someone who has suffers from one of these sleep disorders. Maybe you have friend who does strange things while he sleeps, like sleepwalking. Or perhaps you know someone that snores so loud he wakes himself up multiple times each night? Few people realize just how serious a sleep disorder can be. They can make it impossible to work some jobs and they can affect a person’s life in many unexpected ways. There also seems to be a bit of a stigma associated with sleep disorders. However, it’s important to understand that they are real problems that need real treatment. Some sleeping disorders are more serious than others. But all should be remedied.

Sleeping disorders can be difficult to handle. Many people find themselves extremely tired throughout the day. They might even have trouble getting up in the morning or falling asleep at night. This can cause a person to feel fatigued all day and run down. The things they want to do just seem to take too much energy. For some people, it is all they can do to just get through the day without sleeping. It isn’t hard to see why depression is a common side effect of sleeping disorders. Many people have trouble keeping a steady job. Interpersonal relationships are often affected as well.

Fortunately, there is help out there for those that are suffering from sleeping disorders. The easiest way to find out what kind of disorder you suffer from and what treatment might help, is through the use of polysomnography. This process involves the measurement of many different body functions and takes place while you sleep. With a polysomnogram in hand, your doctor can see your sleep pattern throughout the night. He can see how your breathing and heart rate changed and even how your eye movements changed through the night. Your brain functioning is also displayed. Some of these test can be performed at home, but for the most comprehensive results it is best to visit a sleep clinic that specializes in polysomnography.

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Once your doctor understands your sleeping disorder better, he can help you treat it. Some treatment comes in the form of medication, but most will involve some sort of behavioral modification. Your doctor will work closely with you to find the best solution for your particular sleeping disorder. He will probably ask that you schedule regular checkups so that the results of treatment can be assessed and changes can be made, if necessary.

Most people sleep seven or eight hours each night. People with sleep disorders may sleep fewer hours each night. Some people suffering from a disorder sleep many more hours than the regular amount. When a person sleeps too much or too little then their body might have problems because the human body is adapted to sleep a certain amount each night. Consequences of this are often an inefficient immune system and an increase in illnesses.

Many of the sleep disorders out there are a result of lifestyle choices. If you don’t get enough exercise and you have an unhealthy diet then you might be at a greater risk. Smoking and drinking can also exacerbate a sleeping disorder. You might discover that simply living a healthier life will improve your ability to sleep well night after night.

You can find plenty of information about sleep problems on the internet. For more information checkout this site on sleep disorders.

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