Can You Recognize the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

By | September 21, 2016

The ideal scenario for any person would be to be able to have a full night of sleep and wake up refreshed the next day. Some people are indeed lucky to have such an experience on a regular basis, but there are other people who have an extreme amount of difficulty actually falling asleep. However, there are some people who think that they are getting a good night of sleep, when in reality they too have a sleeping problem.

These people are often sufferers of sleep apnea, which is a serious sleep disorder. People who suffer from sleep apnea stop breathing for a minute or longer at a time while they are asleep. What makes this disorder especially disconcerting is that many people who have it are not aware that they do. While some people might actually wake up suddenly because of it, others keep right on sleeping.

Some people are only alerted to the fact that they might have sleep apnea when their partner actually notices it happening. A common pattern is for the sufferer to be snoring loudly, and then all of a sudden stop for a moment or two, only to start snoring again. However, how can people who sleep alone figure out if they have this disorder?

One characteristic that many people who have sleep apnea share is being extremely obese. People who are obese usually develop heart problems, because the heart has to strain itself in order to pump blood efficiently. As a result, the circulation becomes impeded, and that in turn can create chemical imbalances in the brain.

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Breathing is something that the body does automatically, and people usually only notice their breathing when there is a problem with it. Breathing is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn is controlled via signals that are given to it by the brain.

In the case of an obese person, the poor circulation in the body results in the brain not functioning as optimally as it should. As a result, the brain sometimes malfunctions, not sending the right signals to, in this case, the parasympathetic nervous system.

There are two main ways that a person can be alerted to this disorder. The first of these ways is via frequent forgetfulness. This is an indication that there is not enough oxygen that is reaching the brain during sleep. Additionally, the person might awaken from what they thought was a full night of sleep still feeling exhausted. Both of these can be symptoms of other things as well, but it is important either way for the person to see their doctor.

After an initial examination, the doctor might determine that it will be necessary for the person to be evaluated at a sleep center. This is a location, usually affiliated with a hospital, where a person will be evaluated for a period of twelve hours while he or she is asleep via electrodes and cameras. If, after that time, it has been determined that a person does have this disorder, the two main sources of treatment are medicine and weight loss.

More information on a sleep apnea, a

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