Vajayjay. Girly bits. Hoo-ha. Whatever you call it, your vagina is an amazing organ with a delicate chemical balance that keeps it clean and healthy. A healthy vagina is naturally acidic and contains beneficial bacteria that help defend against infections and maintain a normal pH level. It’s an amazing system, but every now and then it can be a little “off.” A vaginal infection can ruin your day, your week, or your month if it gets out of hand. It’s annoying, embarrassing and uncomfortable, but that’s not all. An unbalanced vaginal pH can leave you more susceptible to serious issues like fertility problems, infections, STDs and PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease). When things get out of whack, it’s important to restore balance as quickly as possible. pH-D Feminine Health Support is a natural defense against unbalanced vaginal pH and can help get things back to normal quickly. For the utmost protection of your health, pH-D Feminine Health Support suppositories are manufactured… * with pharmaceutical grade boric acid. * in the United States * in a facility has the highest certification possible-a GMP/HACCP compliant facility that is also SQF product safety management certified. * in a facility that is FDA registered * under safe, sanitary conditions compliant with the FDA rules and regulations * with ingredients that are 3rd party tested * with each lot/batch of finished product 3rd party tested to satisfy FDA protocol and standards before being released for sale . * with product labeling that meets the FDA requirements for over-the-counter medical products
- QUALITY: pH-D® is the only boric acid product made in a FDA pharma-registered GMP/HAACP/SQF facility for your safety.
- #1 BEST SELLING: Proven more effective by tens of thousands of women
- EXPERT SCIENCE: Developed by physicians and healthcare professionals and based on published clinical studies
- VALUE: 2 product sizes to suit your needs