Is Impotence the Same as Erectile Dysfunction

By | February 2, 2018

There are several factors that can cause erectile dysfunction, including obesity (overweight). Also, high blood pressure and cholesterol by erectile dysfunction may inhibit the potential. Often high blood pressure and cholesterol also with obesity. The underlying idea is that high cholesterol and high blood pressure, damage to blood vessels, which can lead to erectile dysfunction. Those who suffer from erectile dysfunction, should not forget to by the doctor cholesterol and blood pressure measured. Is something wrong, please do not hesitate for a treatment prescription. In most cases, both cholesterol and blood pressure medicines in the correct direction to pilots.

On the role of alcohol has been much misunderstanding. Alcohol will enhance the pleasure, but not the potency. Both men and women are using alcohol to increase their horniness see. For women that (mostly) not so much influence on their sexual performance in men which is different. Men become more difficult in practice to an ejaculation when their blood alcohol level is too high. Moreover, women are really keen on a slightly tipsy man, because usually it takes longer before he comes (if at all).

When erectile dysfunctions are smoking related, they cannot be completely cured with medications like Viagra. The situation is further worsened when the smoker has conditions like diabetes and heart troubles. The only remedy, although it might seem like the end of the world to most men, is to quit smoking. There are many programs available over the Internet and through de-addiction centers that the smokers can make use of. What is most important is that quitting smoking means more than just freedom from sexual dysfunction, it also means your general health will improve,

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Moreover, there is no direct evidence that moderate drinking of beer, wine or spirits causing erectile dysfunction. Second heavy drinking can cause liver damage, because in a subsequent phase can lead to nerve damage and eventually to erectile dysfunction. That erectile dysfunction may also result from other side effects caused by alcohol.

It is obvious that regular life movement a positive effect on the potency will have and therefore can help prevent erectile dysfunction. Jogging, swimming, fitness and so can have a positive effect on erectile dysfunction, as clearly demonstrated by scientific research. On the other hand, there are also forms of exercise that are negative for erectile dysfunction. Cycling is not as good example for the perineum, the area between scrotum and anus. That is not to say that jumping on a bike is unhealthy, we mean that only excess is in this case harm.

What is the moral of the story? A healthy lifestyle can help prevent erectile dysfunction, without any further assurances in this regard can be given. Those who worry too much about the link between erectile dysfunction and bike: it is obviously not that just go get a loaf by bike inevitably leads to erectile dysfunction. Avid cyclists who weekly or monthly hundred kilometers ‘devour’, however do well to regularly check. Also in case of erectile dysfunction is prevented in any case better than cure.

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