The Art of Mastering Options

By | April 3, 2018

Tips To Recognize Mental Health

Of late mental health recognition is on the rise and also there is a sure to break the notion that mental is less important than physical illness. People will tend to tell you to get up and deal with whatever is depressing you and be very quick to tell you to get well quick if you have a flu. It can be easy to notice if your family member is suffering from ill mental health due to the studies that have shown that ill mental health is on the rise.

Neglect Of Self Care And Unable To Do Daily Chores

If you are suffering from ill mental health it becomes very hard to do even the simple tasks. Sometimes even getting out of bed is not easy, you do not even have the energy to cook for yourself or even cook an egg for yourself.

You may not even recognize that your daily routine has broken down without you realizing it. In case you notice that suddenly you are not taking care of yourself as you used to or even a loved one, this is a serious ill mental health sign. Are you unable to sleep well, find yourself constantly cancelling plans, hygiene, diet and staying away from work?

No Enjoyment Or Motivation From Anything In Life

It is not right to conclude that a lazy person has ill mental health. This is a person who finds no fun in anything in life and hence it is a wrong misconception.

Depending On Drugs To Get By

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This is connected to the point where you are unable to do daily tasks.
For a person to do a task they can decide the amount of time it will take. If you find someone using substance to be able to do some tasks or boost their energy do not be surprised. Others take the substances to get relaxed from anxiety. You should not be ashamed to seek help but you need to look for the help from professionals. Sometimes therapy, drugs and alcohol treatment is important. The treatment will help to understand yourself. If a person decides to use drugs and alcohol to get by the day you will increase addiction levels and it might not be easy to stay without them.

Excess Fright

People express their first panic attack as a feeling they thought they were going to die.

It is made worse especially since you don’t know what is happening. Talk to ill mental health patients about the symptoms of panic attacks and how they are managed. Try and slow down your breathing and get lots of fresh air on the first panic attack.