Managing Eczema Symptoms With the Assistance of a Dermatologist

By | April 11, 2018

Eczema outbreaks may seem random when the person hasn’t managed to discover every substance or situation causing flareups of this aggravating skin condition. People with eczema typically can name at least one trigger, ranging from stress at work or school to certain brands of dish soap. When breakouts seem to appear out of nowhere, a dermatologist can help patients reduce and relieve symptoms with a variety of strategies.

Topical Solutions

Over-the-counter moisturizers generally are recommended by dermatologists for eczema patients, in the form of ointments or creams. One treatment provided by this medical doctor is a prescription topical balm. Patients with more severe outbreaks who do not respond to more conservative therapy may need topical corticosteroid solutions. Doctors who specialize in treating the skin know which products work best for different kinds of symptoms and rash severity. That’s important since a broad range of medications are available.

Keeping a Diary

A doctor with an organization such as Soine Dermatology & Aesthetics may encourage the patient to start keeping a diary listing aspect such as foods eaten, clothing fabric worn, and changes in soap or other personal care products. Although someone with eczema may believe he or she is already keeping watch on which things are triggers, not every item may be noted.

Unexpected Triggers

In addition, something that previously never caused problems may one day turn into a trigger. The person likely won’t realize it if that particular cause is only encountered occasionally or something has changed without any evidence. For example, an itchy rash that develops in the evening may be connected to using hand soap at a restaurant at lunchtime. The restaurant may have changed the hand soap in the restroom for the first time in years.

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Ongoing Communication

The physician should be kept in the loop in regard to any other treatments the patient is using. For instance, the person may want to try a new over-the-counter lotion that promises to reduce eczema symptoms, but it could be problematic if combined with corticosteroid treatment. The doctor will also be interested in learning whether the patient tries complementary therapies like massage for stress relief and how effective that seems to be.