What age can flu vaccine be given

By | May 9, 2020

what age can flu vaccine be given

Depending on your child’s age and health, you might be able to choose between a flu shot and the nasal spray flu vaccine. Page last reviewed: 15 July Next review due: 15 July The patient information leaflet provided with the nasal spray suggests children should be given 2 doses of this vaccine if they have not had the flu vaccine before. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC recommends a yearly flu influenza vaccine for all children 6 months and older — ideally by the end of October. Home Immunization Influenza vaccine.

How many doses of the flu vaccine do children need? The vaccine lets your body get ready to fight off the real flu during flu season. Fruit juice for kids Hand-washing tips Hygiene hypothesis Iron deficiency in children Language development Preventing lead exposure Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you keeping your child as safe as possible in the car? Should my child get a flu shot? Visit now. If your child is aged between 6 months and 2 years old and is in a high-risk group for flu, they’ll be offered an injected flu vaccine. In the past, the nasal spray vaccine wasn’t recommended for kids because it didn’t seem to work well enough.

Vaccine what be given flu age can understand you

Keep in mind that vaccination is especially important for certain people who are high risk or who are in close contact with high risk persons. Children who are home educated will also be offered the vaccine, provided they’re in an eligible age group. Children’s flu vaccine overview. Some things might prevent a person from getting the flu vaccine. Infants born during flu season to mothers who got a flu shot are usually protected against the flu for a few months.

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