Author Archives: Health

Sleep Disorder are on the Rise

The United States is seeing a huge rise in sleep disorders. Sixty to Eighty million people are estimated to be coping with sleep disorders. This is significant chunk of the population and the numbers are still on the rise. This is in part because of the lifestyles that people live today. Obesity is certainly one… Read More »

Most Are Affected by Tardive Dyskinesia

Tardive dyskinesia, or TD is also called Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMs). This neurological condition is sometimes reversible, but sometimes it can be permanent. It is a movement disorder that results in abnormal repetitive muscular movements that are involuntarily. Facial twitching is a common manifestation of TD, for example, but there are other tardive dyskinesia symptoms,… Read More »

Are You Searching for Anxiety Solutions?

There are many natural ways to reduce anxiety is everyday life. There are also many non-natural, or prescription drug related, remedies to help with anxiety. While there is no full-proof way to cure panic attacks and no true cures for social anxiety, there is help for anxiety attacks and ways to relieve stress. There are… Read More »