Author Archives: Health

Vitamin D Deficiency Correlates with an Increased Risk of Thyroid Cancer

Your thyroid gland plays an important role in regulating your body’s most vital functions, including metabolism, energy production, growth and development. Located at the base of your neck, this small, butterfly-shaped organ produces hormones that influence nearly every cell, tissue and organ. Keeping it functioning properly is essential for overall health, as any disruption in… Read More »

Cinnamon — An Ancient Spice That May Be Beneficial for Prediabetics

Cinnamon is a popular spice worldwide, prized for its warm, sweet flavor and distinctive aroma. Commonly used in both sweet and savory dishes, it adds a unique touch to everything, from pastries and desserts to curries and stews. It’s also used in consumer products, such as perfumes, air fresheners, essential oils and personal care items.… Read More »

Indications of PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Deodorants — Guide

Does your favorite deodorant contain indications of PFAS “forever chemicals?” PFAS “forever chemicals” are per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances used as stain-resistant, water-resistant, and oil-resistant chemicals in commerce. These chemicals are very useful, but also incredibly persistent and toxic. Mamavation was asked if any deodorants contained indications of PFAS and we were not sure unless they… Read More »

Bringing Home the European Union’s Ban on Mercury Fillings

It’s Mercury Awareness Week. Now we honor the mercury-free dentists, urge consumers to demand mercury-free dentistry, and explain to our supporters — past, present, and future — how their valuable dollars are helping us stop the use of mercury in dentistry here and abroad. Consumers for Dental Choice is grateful to health champion Dr. Joseph… Read More »