Author Archives: Health

How and Why to Take CBD

CBD is the newest arrival on the wellness and complimentary health scene, but is a fad or does it have some genuine value and is it here to stay? If it can help you, then how should you take your CBD? Today we’re looking to answer some of these questions thanks to Discover Magazine. Why… Read More »

Measuring the tRNA world

Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) deliver specific amino acids to ribosomes during translation of messenger RNA into proteins. The abundance of tRNAs can therefore have a profound impact on cell physiology, but measuring the amount of each tRNA in cells has been limited by technical challenges. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry have now overcome… Read More »

How to make seed milk at home

If you have nut allergies and cannot drink nut milks that are loved by vegans and dairy-free folks, then you could try drinking seed milk instead. The only problem is that this type of vegan ‘milk’ is not commonly found in the shops and online so your best bet is to make it home. Luckily,… Read More »