Category Archives: Health & Fitness

Wheezing Exacerbations Predicted by Allergen Sensitization and Exposure

October 29, 2018 Share this content: The exacerbation rates were ameliorated through the use of daily inhaled corticosteroids in certain classes, but not in others. Exacerbations in wheezing in preschool children may be predicted by identifying sensitization and exposure, as well as their response to inhaled corticosteroids, according to a study published in the Journal… Read More »

Why healthcare wastes $750 billion every year: Few organizations analyze data to stop it

Every year the healthcare industry wastes an estimated $ 750 billion, and while employers overwhelmingly perceive this to be a problem, about 60 percent are not actively managing the issue. This is among the findings of a survey to identify employers’ perceptions and actions related to waste in the healthcare system released by National Alliance… Read More »

Harvard research targets cancer drivers

Discoveries in cancer research have included everything from genes that can transform healthy cells into tumor cells to advances related to tumor immunology, but those breakthroughs have often led to new complexities, leaving researchers with additional questions. Now, the limits of those complexities may be coming into view. Evidence uncovered by a team of researchers… Read More »