Category Archives: Health News

Can you take a multivitamin with lipitor

Avoid: High-potassium foods, such as bananas, oranges, green leafy vegetables, salt substitutes, potassium supplements, diuretics Why: May raise blood potassium levels and cause dangerous heart rhythms. If you increase or decrease the amounts of these juices you consume, you may have to change the dose of statin you’re taking. Please do not submit any type… Read More »

Why quit smoking weight gain

Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; chap Free E-newsletter Subscribe to Housecall Our general interest e-newsletter keeps you up to date on a wide variety of health topics. Concentrate on improving your diet and increasing your physical activity. Additionally, alcohol tends to relax our inhibitions, and for an ex-smoker, that can spell trouble. But you can learn other… Read More »

Can i take ventolin without asthma

Despite the popularity of many of these treatments, there is usually little scientific evidence to support their use. Almost everyone who has asthma or COPD is prescribed a bronchodilator inhaler or “reliever” inhaler to help their breathing. These include. You dismissed this ad. You can use a nebuliser in hospital or you may be given… Read More »

What causes muscle leg pain

The pain may be unexpectedly severe, considering the injury. Self-care steps do not help. Other causes of leg pain. First Name Optional. Vertebrae, disks, and other parts of the spine impinge on the spinal cord and nerves branching off of it. Self-care treatment like RICE rest, ice, compression, elevation can help the tendon to heal.… Read More »