Sudden depression

Depression is a mental chaos where the person would experience lack of interest and pleasure in doing regular things they used to do and frequently found in low mood. This can happen to anyone of us despite of time and place. The reasons for depressions can be of tragedy or by compounded and persistent stress… Read More »

Causes Of Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety attacks can be caused a multitude of things including stressors, financial problems, relationship problems, bereavement, medical conditions and medication. However, as with any medical condition, there is usually more than one cause, some of which can be interrelated. When a doctor is trying to determine the causes of a patient’s anxiety attacks, he will… Read More »

Anti-Anxiety Drugs And Their Side-Effects

The most prescribed anti-anxiety drugs in the world are known as anxiolytics or minor tranquilizers. It doesn’t mean they are completely safe though: it means many health professionals are reckless and stuff their patients with medicines of questionable effectiveness, as a way to make their own work easier. A lot of people are having misconception… Read More »