We Are Kaia Strong

At Kaia FIT, our priority is keeping our community safe and strong during this time.  Each studio has implemented the CDC recommendations to maintain a healthy community.  The best way to stay strong through this season is to stay committed to our Kaia fundamentals. Keep your immune system strong, and continue the habits you’ve worked… Read More »

Are Mushy Peas Healthy?

Mushy peas are a classic British dish, often served as an accompaniment to fish and chips. In the north of the country they are also traditionally served with a pie. Because they are mainly dished up with high-fat, calorie-laden meals, many people assume that mushy peas are not good for you. But is this true?… Read More »

Keto diet readers digest

The Keto Diet has become extremely popular because of its ability to promote rapid weight loss. Famous stars like Halle Berry and the Kardashians cite the high-fat, low-carb diet as being responsible for their picturesque figures. Many of us are after an effective means of weight loss and Keto may be the answer. The diet… Read More »