Is it a Cold, the Flu, or COVID-19?

Petri OeschgerGetty Images It used to be that you’d start to get the sniffles or wake up with a fever and body aches and you had a pretty good idea whether it was a run-of-the-mill head cold or a knock-you-out-for-a-week case of the flu. But times are different. The COVID-19 outbreak has made it trickier… Read More »

Research Says These Specific Facial Expressions Mean Someone Is Definitely Interested In You, So…

Today in news-that’s-not-really news: Science officially confirms flirting works. (Science = a study conducted by researchers from the University of Kansas). But actually, there’s more to the okay/duh/obvious results. In addition to confirming that flirting is definitely A Thing and aids in showing romantic interest in someone, that same research, now published in the Journal… Read More »