Nutrients in Potatoes Can Help Reduce Risk of High Blood Pressure

Researchers examined the impact of increased dietary potassium from baked/boiled potatoes and baked French fries as opposed to a potassium supplement on blood pressure and other cardiovascular disease risk factors in comparison to a ‘typical American’ control diet (lower potassium intake) among 30 pre-hypertensive to hypertensive individuals.1✅ JOURNAL REFERENCEDOI: 10.3390/nu13051610 Results revealed that including baked/boiled… Read More »

Liver transplant outcomes improve in people with HIV and hepatitis C

Survival after a liver transplant has improved significantly in people with HIV and hepatitis C coinfection since the introduction of direct-acting antiviral treatment for hepatitis C, US researchers report in the journal Transplantation Direct. Due to faster progression of liver damage in people coinfected with HIV and hepatitis C, people with both viruses are especially… Read More »