Liver transplant outcomes improve in people with HIV and hepatitis C

Survival after a liver transplant has improved significantly in people with HIV and hepatitis C coinfection since the introduction of direct-acting antiviral treatment for hepatitis C, US researchers report in the journal Transplantation Direct. Due to faster progression of liver damage in people coinfected with HIV and hepatitis C, people with both viruses are especially… Read More »

Government health coverage might now exceed private coverage in US

The United States might be at the point where government health coverage exceeds private health insurance. Roughly 150 million people have some form of taxpayer-subsidized health insurance, while about 153 million have employer-provided coverage, a recent analysis by Yahoo Finance found. The analysis, though, left out the 9 million employees and their dependents who are… Read More »

Microarray Rapidly Identifies Antibodies Against SARS-CoV-2

Researchers at the Technical University of Munich in Germany have developed a sensitive and inexpensive microarray technology that can rapidly identify antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 virus in blood or serum samples. The test can provide a result in as little as eight minutes, but the researchers believe that this can be further reduced to just… Read More »