Tag Archives: Health

Government health coverage might now exceed private coverage in US

The United States might be at the point where government health coverage exceeds private health insurance. Roughly 150 million people have some form of taxpayer-subsidized health insurance, while about 153 million have employer-provided coverage, a recent analysis by Yahoo Finance found. The analysis, though, left out the 9 million employees and their dependents who are… Read More »

Prince William’s health: Experts discuss the royal’s hereditary hair loss

Do you also suffer from what is known as male pattern baldness? Lead pharmacist Sonia Khan is convinced this caused Prince William‘s hair loss. Speaking exclusively to the Express.co.uk, she shares her expertise. “Male pattern baldness is a leading cause of hair loss and is a genetic problem. Prince Charles is also balding, as was… Read More »

Zombie health care news

Although I am advancing rapidly into almost complete retirement, there are some days/weeks when I can’t refrain from pointing out some of the troubling health care news I see.  This is one such week. First, the COVID zombie news My local Star Tribune newspaper delivered this front page news: University of Minnesota, Mayo report COVID-fighting success… Read More »