1. Dumbbell pullover The dumbbell pullover is a classic exercise from the Golden age of bodybuilding that can help build serious muscle mass and when done correctly, will work the lower pecs, triceps, abs and...
Coughing is a natural reflex of the body that it uses to remove the irritants in the throat. In several cases, certain people feel immense pain in their chest and abdominal area while coughing forcefully....
Women are at increased risk for depressive symptoms during the menopause transition. It has long been suspected that falling estrogen levels play a role in triggering the onset of depression; however, if all women experience...
The world is full of house dust mites. Do some cleaning, and you’ll probably stir some up. While everyone has immune cells capable of reacting to common allergens like house dust mites, most of us...
Bad news, booze and beef lovers. The American Cancer Society has updated its diet and physical activity recommendations to help prevent cancer — and the new guidelines released on Tuesday discourage consuming red meat, processed...
In the past, people were radiofrequency denervation, might be used bed and we now realise the back pain comes arthritis natural changes that happen over time to the small joints in the spine called facet...