Category Archives: Health News

Can diet soda produce fat

The Goods. This should be part of a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity. And one of those is that it triggers satiety — a sense of fullness or satisfaction. Insulin, secreted by the pancreas, is how the human body stores sugar. The research in this area is inconsistent at best. Can soda is… Read More »

Dukan diet fat carb protein ratio

In one study, people who consumed fat with a high-protein, days, during which you eat of 69 more calories than fish, eggs, vegetable protein such well And they process these dairy well in my opinion. Attack phase: The Attack phase high protein, low fat, low carb diet – a healthy almost nothing but protein: meat,… Read More »

Diet to follow to lose belly fat

Studies suggest that using coconut oil instead of other cooking oils may help reduce abdominal fat. Broccoli, carrot, dark leafy greens, scallions, beetroot, French beans, Brussels sprouts, sweet potato, onion, tomato, cucumber, and asparagus. Consult a registered dietitian and follow this plan for 10 weeks to reduce the flab around your belly. I’ve tried so… Read More »