Do You Suffer From a Sleeping Disorder?

Do you suffer from constant fatigue, poor concentration, or memory loss? Do you take naps during the day or fall asleep while you are watching television, driving, or sitting idle? If so, you may be one of over 33% of the entire population that suffers from a sleep disorder. Many people chalk these symptoms up… Read More »

Pain Due to Sleep Disorder Issues

It might be due to our modern life style and ageing process. Few people have snoring habit and they may not know who they are disturbing others in a family. There is also lack of sleep with joint pain occurring on jaw area due to injury and bad formation of teeth. There are various causes… Read More »

How Does Polysomnography Help Patients Overcome Sleep Disorders ?

Sound sleep by night is an essential need for humans to ward off unsolicited ailments. Thus, if you are constantly experiencing sleeplessness at nights, Polysomnogram test can help you diagnose the ailment with ease and little effort . Polysomnography is a multi-parametric test that helps identify sleep disorders. It records your brain nerve pulse rating,… Read More »