Sleeping pills: The hidden addiction

It was on the advice of close friends that she took a sleeping pill to overcome in somnia. Over time, this mid dle-aged, successful professional was taking over 30 pills of alprazolam daily! But her insomnia persisted and she became increasingly anxious and agitated. So she combined alprazolams with alcohol. She would drive out to… Read More »

Sleep Disorder Treatments

You can find a wide range of remedies for sleep disorders. This can be because of the fact that sleep disorders have several prospective causes. The treatment possibilities are typically categorized into non-pharmacological and pharmacological forms. Non-pharmacological sleep disorder treatments encompass the use of surgery, behavioral therapy and medical equipment. These alternatives do not make… Read More »

Living With Anxiety – Cope or Cure?

Most people that live in modern societies live under stress producing conditions. Learning to recognize and cope with anxiety are keys to successful living. Many proclaim to have cures for anxiety. Anxiety can’t be completely cured but it can be treated successfully. Anxiety is a naturally occurring emotion required for survival. Anxiety in high levels… Read More »