Research Confirms That Masks Effectively Block Airborne Particles

Research confirms that surgical masks effectively reduce outgoing airborne particles from talking or coughing, even after allowing for leakage around the sides of the mask. Using masks as well as other face coverings can reduce the flow of airborne particles that are made during breathing, talking, coughing or sneezing, protecting other people from viruses carried… Read More »

In Brief: Postpartum Depression Common in COVID-Positive Women Separated from Their Newborns

In Brief: Postpartum Depression Common in COVID-Positive Women Separated from Their Newborns Soon after the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended temporarily separating newborns from mothers who tested positive for COVID-19 immediately after delivery. In a retrospective cohort study of 224 new mothers delivering at a New York hospital between March 18… Read More »

Prince William’s health: Experts discuss the royal’s hereditary hair loss

Do you also suffer from what is known as male pattern baldness? Lead pharmacist Sonia Khan is convinced this caused Prince William‘s hair loss. Speaking exclusively to the, she shares her expertise. “Male pattern baldness is a leading cause of hair loss and is a genetic problem. Prince Charles is also balding, as was… Read More »