Tag Archives: from

How to cope with your grief 0 from embracing emotions to leaving nothing unsaid

Losing a loved one is an inevitable part of life, but one for which we are rarely prepared – finding ourselves powerless in the face of one of our most intense emotions. And so we turn to rituals such as funerals to regain control and to formally say goodbye. But strict restrictions due to Covid-19… Read More »

Coronavirus patient suffers 4-hour erection from blood clot

A coronavirus patient in France suffered a four-hour erection due to a blood clot that may have been triggered by the illness, doctors have warned. The 62-year-old man experienced the painful condition known as priapism while in the intensive care unit at a Le Chesnay hospital, according to a case report in The American Journal… Read More »

Save Your Penis from These Bad Habits! From Incorrect Masturbation to Rough Sex, Daily Practices that are Injuring Your Genitals!

You know that your bad habits are making you unhealthy in a way, but did you know that it can also change you figuratively? Your everyday habits and behaviours have a huge role to play in your sexual health, too! Yes, you heard that right. Your penis is an extremely fragile organ of your body,… Read More »

Can you die from taking diet pills

E laine Gormley was desperate when she turned to slimming pills. She had been obese since childhood, but lost a significant amount of weight by going to Slimming World classes in her early 20s. But by , following a breakup and an operation, the year-old from Belleek in County Fermanagh had gained all 10 stone… Read More »