Stahl’s Illustrated Sleep and Wake Disorders

Stahl’s Illustrated Sleep and Wake Disorders is a concise and highly illustrated guide to the environmental, neurobiological and genetic factors that influence sleep and wakefulness, with evidence-based guidance for the accurate diagnosis and optimal treatment...

Hydrocodone For Pain Relief

Hydrocodone acetaminophen 5-325 is one of the top most prescribed drugs in the USA. Nearly 20% people use five prescription medications. Research shows that over the past decade usage of prescription drug is steadily increased....

Thinking About Visiting a Sleep Center?

Many people suffer from a sleep disorder. If you or your doctor expects this might be the case, then it could be necessary to visit a sleep center. There are many sleep centers located throughout...

Sleep Apnea’s Two Distinct Types

People who have a difficult time getting to sleep at night or staying asleep may have a common medical condition. Sleep problems can occur in both adults and children and they are not gender specific....