Tag Archives: Healthcare

Why healthcare wastes $750 billion every year: Few organizations analyze data to stop it

Every year the healthcare industry wastes an estimated $ 750 billion, and while employers overwhelmingly perceive this to be a problem, about 60 percent are not actively managing the issue. This is among the findings of a survey to identify employers’ perceptions and actions related to waste in the healthcare system released by National Alliance… Read More »

Avenu Health Personalizes Your Healthcare Experience – My Healthy Life Podcast: Episode 15

A human relationship – a connection – is the core of primary care and a key ingredient to health and wellness. That connection can look different for all of us. A new venture, Avenu Health, right here in Asheville is an alternative to the traditional primary care setting. Avenu Health is what’s called a “direct… Read More »

Polls show Democrats favored on healthcare in three Florida House races

Voters in three close House races in Florida approve of a Democrat handling healthcare more than the GOP incumbent, results that a pro-Obamacare group hopes gives Democrats a boost in the upcoming midterm elections. Democratic polling firm Public Policy Polling released three polls on Friday conducted on behalf of the pro-Obamacare group Protect Our Care.… Read More »